Tuesday, June 7

Prayer as your powerful tool

The Lord is just and merciful, He hears our prayer everyday. He knows the depths of every man and can see the plans that a human mind makes up.
Friends, let me share today THE IMPORTANCE OF PRAYER
Exactly what does Prayer mean?
What is the importance of Prayer in our lives?
Why should we pray every day?
Why is it important to make Prayer an inseparable part of our life?
The answer to above questions is: 

PRAYER is a close conversation between YOU and the living GOD.
 It is a conversation wherein YOU get access to the most powerful SAVIOR.
It is a weapon with which YOU defeat the evil powers and defeat the wicked plans of the Satan.
It brings YOU in a closer fellowship with the Almighty God.
It opens up the closed doors of your heart and mind.
It makes YOU see through your entire life.
It is a mirror that reflects to you the way in which you have been living.

Now, why should we pray? Is it necessary to pray every day? Can’t we skip a day’s prayer? What will happen if we forget to pray for one day? Does that affect us in anyway?
Friends, we are living in a world where we have evil and good around us, goodness follow the righteous people till the end of their life. The evil i.e. the Satan roams like a roaring lion..thinking whom to devour, when he finds an empty space within a man. HE TAKES SHELTER IN IT and devises all sought of wicked plans in that man…and the man falls prey to the evil.
Now, how does this EMPTY SPACE get created? 

Friends, WE…. as I mentioned in my previous mails also…think of ourselves as GREAT HUMAN BEINGS.
When we give space to such mentality of pride….we tend to fall short of the glory of God, because the LORD loves to reside in the heart of  the humble ones.
When we think that we can make plans for our life and that  God is not important for me or when we feel that I can do everything without the help of God, I can manage without God.
When such a mentality resides in us, when we give importance to ourselves rather than God….THEN REMEMBER….. YOU HAVE MADE THE PLATFORM FOR THE EVIL TO ENTER INTO YOU FREELY.

Thus , living with such a mentality means…being void of PRAYER, this creates the so called EMPTY SPACE within us and when the Satan finds it, he just gets into you and starts giving you false intuitions about life, makes you see false dreams, makes you think highly of yourself, makes you learn injustice, cheating, hurting others, illegal activities and he teaches you to live life by just depending on yourself. 
Friends, thus one day, when he is done with you, he leaves you in utter pain and anguish, you just seem helpless, you cannot find a way out, he just tramples over you and laughs at you.
                           PRAYER, A MIGHTY WEAPON AGAINST THE EVIL ONE…
Remember dear people, the Satan is not afraid of you, he is not afraid of your faith, he is not afraid of your words of peace and goodness, he is not afraid of miracles in the name of the Lord, he is not afraid of powerful preachers….BUT….the one and only one thing, that makes him trembles, that makes him shiver in his shoes, that makes him shout loud in agony.. is…WHEN WE PRAY TO THE LORD.
When we pray to the Lord, that Prayer makes an armor of God around us…Prayer makes a wall of protection around us…we get a shield to fight the evil one. He cannot reach us if we pray.
So precious people, PRAY EVERYDAY WITHOUT FAIL, don’t neglect prayer, if you do then you will be a victim to the evil plans of the wicked. By doing so, no enemy will be able to reach you and you will be protected in the Lord’s mighty arms.

Have a blessed day precious friends
The Lord bless you all, Shalom : )

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